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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cornerstonia 2011

After an emotionally draining end of year for my family and I, I have been searching and sneaking in some thinking time related to Cornerstonia. I have sold many books, I have set my mind on the next many steps, and time is our mortal enemy. But, I have a plan and it includes many of you. First of all, I make a personal request to all who have read Cornerstonia to rate and write a review on Or send me an email, so I can post it on the website cornerstonia

One of the next steps is getting the novel into bookstores, I have my sights on local Christian and church Bookstores, if anyone has any connections let me know. The Spanish  version has taken much longer than expected, but coming. Also, I want to give the website a makeover and make it more interactive. Then in the next few months, I will start writing the next book in the Cornerstonia Series. Become a follower on this blog and keep spreading the word, I really appreciate it and with your help this series will be a success in 2011. I leave you with some words from Cornerstonia: The Rose River Journey...
Many people were gathering at the entrance of the castle and Princess Vitzeli addressed the large crowd, “We are of the Rosarion Kingdom and by the grace of God and our friend Keeto here, we were able to destroy the works of the enemy in this castle. The owners of this castle were evil people, who were willing to enslave anyone who came near it, for their own selfish reasons. But now you are free and free indeed, so go and live free lives, and don’t forget it was the sacrifice of one who made us all free. Get provisions and take back what belongs to you and leave this horrible place and don’t look back. Long live King Victorious and Queen Elise, and may the God that they serve, bless you all.”

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