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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cornerstonia On Sale Thanksgiving Day

     Greetings from Cornerstonia: The Rose River Journey. After much deliberation and prayer, it is official. The Book becomes available Thanksgiving Day, November 25th. Why this day? Well, let me start by saying Thanksgiving is an awesome family holiday, but more than that, my birthday this year falls on Thanksgiving Day. It happens every so many years.
     Amazingly, the first idea for Cornerstonia came to me when I was 13 years old in the hallways of my Jr. High School in New York. And, 25 years later on my 38th Birthday, the book goes on sale. It is historical for me and twenty five years in the making. So, get ready, as the world of Cornerstonia comes to life on Thanksgiving Day. There will be a link on the website to purchase it and once the order is placed, it is shipped right away. 
     In December, the Florida Book release will happen in Orlando. Also, I am getting it ready to  release it as an E-Book the beginning of November, date to be announced. Exciting, I am thankful to God for giving me the opportunity to accomplish one of my dreams and I hope you can continue to journey with me. Don't give up on your dreams, with God everything is possible. For me it took 25 years, for you hopefully much less. Spread the word and mark your calendars. Long live Cornerstonia.
V.M. Rosario

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