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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Piece of Cornerstonia: The Rose River Journey

A small excerpt from Cornerstonia: The Rose River Journey found in Chapter Three...

The last member of the family was unique; he was very close to Princess Vitzeli. She and he were inseparable. Two close friends, though they may individually come from diverse paths of life, sometimes are brought together by fate.
As the forest birds played their daily songs, fate, acting like the director of a magnificent staged show, brought Princess Vitzeli to a wooded area near the palace grounds (before the large defensive walls were built). It was fate, which through the princess’s spirit of exploration guided her to a dramatic and sad musical scene.
The musical score drowned out the forest singing. Her eyes fell upon a mother wolf, as she lay helpless in a trap, whose teeth denied her—her freedom. The scene, the music, it was all very depressing; a mother and her son lying side by side, as her life was slipping away.
She was severely dehydrated from lack of water and from the constant cruel and unforgiving hot summer sun. Its orange-yellow light was a blessing as it was a curse. She was a thirsty mother with a nursing cub, who had an internal drive to feed. The mother wolf, even while she was suffering, never denied her son, life, through her milk.
Fate had arranged for the princess to encounter—a mother's cry. As the mother’s song of death started to play, the eyes of the mother wolf and the princess met and there was a deep connection. They appeared to have communicated.
The message from the mother wolf was clear: I do not know who you are or why you are here, but I sense the purity in your heart...please, care for my son. As the mother wolf kissed her cub for the last time, she laid her head down and exhaled her final breath.
Her song of death played its final notes—and came to a finish. The only sounds now, were that of the forest birds, who were allowed to continue playing their daily tunes.
The wolf cub looked up—ran and jumped into Princess Vitzeli's arms; he understood she was now his guardian. Ever since, these two had come together, they were like a zipper, working better, when they were close together. He was her protector and without his consent, no one was allowed near the princess.
He was well known throughout the kingdom. Everyone knew he was a wild animal, but fate had chosen him to become royalty, his name was...Bayler the wolf.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oral presentation for Cornerstonia: The Rose River Journey

Part of the Cornerstonia: The Rose River Journey Book project is the oral presentation for churches, schools or organizations. My book is a platform to disc different themes and topics. My three themes are: conquering your dreams in God (It has taken me over 20 years to finalize my book idea, don't wait), Divorce hurts everyone; especially the children (Children suffer the most) and an epic journey through the imaginative land of Cornerstonia (A whole fantasy world with all sorts of places and interesting people and characters). Anyone interested in bringing the messages of Cornerstonia to their church, school or organization; message me and please let your churches and Christian schools know. The story is awesome and I have woven into it the fine details, which set up the next two books in the series. The Next book is called Cornerstonia: The Gargantuan War and in the back of the 1st novel will have a chapter devoted to introducing it. Can't wait. Keep spreading the word and let's create the buzz we need to make this 1st book a success. Coming soon.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cover, which didn't make it

With just a couple of weeks before finalizing Cornerstonia: The Rose River Journey, I wanted to explain that this cover design was one of two. This particular cover was great, but I chose the other design, which will be the official cover. Once things get rolling I will reveal the real cover. Thanks for your support.